Store, Search, Find

BoxOrganizer is the fastest and easiest way possible to organize all your belongings - private & business - and, therefore, always find what you are looking.

Try the BoxOrganizer now for free!

We want your feedback!

We kindly ask you for your support by filling out this short survey* on how we can further improve your individual BoxOrganizer experience. This will allow us to better understand your needs, and therefore further improve the app.

*Your answers will be only used for our strategic planning, improvement of the app functionality, and development of our future customer service strategy.

Major Update coming soon!

Every feature you need to win. Try it for yourself very soon!

BoxOrganizer 2.0 will be built for everyone - playing by their own rules.
This major new update will allow viewing the inventory on multiple devices, sharing with various people, and much more.
Stay tuned!

The Features

Find out even more under Features!


Organize your inventory by utilizing a mix of Projects and Boxes to represent various locations, rooms, collections, and, therefore, keep your information structured.

Add Information

Add information in the item notes to retain important information on quantity, creation date, general information, tags, and much more.

Search & Find

Search for items, tags, and boxes or scan the Box-Code (see QR-Code functionality) to quickly find what you are looking for.

Use QR-Codes

Print QR codes and stick them on the side of your boxes. Then, just scan them and instantly see what’s inside the box, without even opening it. This feature even allows for moving items between boxes with the click of a button!


Stay up to date on the progress made as well as tips and tricks for users. Additionally, become part of the BoxOrganizer journey and participate in one of our customer-surveys & beta versions.